Night Navigation Using The Moon
· Just like the sun the moon follows the same trajectory rising in the East and setting in the West. You can use the shadow stick method just like you do with the sun.
Night Navigation Using The Stars
· One of the best ways to navigate through the night is to find the North Star. To locate the North Star find the Big Dipper and from the outer top edge of the dipper go up to the bright star in the sky. That is the North Star and is also the start of the handle of the Little Dipper.
Magnetizing A Small Piece Of Wire
· Take a small piece of wire and rub it through your hair long enough to magnetize it. Once it becomes magnetized tie a wire to the middle of it and suspend it in mid air. Make sure you are out of the wind so you are not misdirected.
The Shadow Stick Method
· Place a stick upright in the ground so that you can see its shadow. The narrower the tip of the object is, the more accurate the reading will be. Make sure the shadow is cast on a level, brush-free spot.
· Mark the tip of the shadow with a small object, such as a pebble, or a distinct scratch in the ground. Try to make the mark as small as possible so as to pinpoint the shadow's tip, but make sure you can identify the mark later.
· Wait 10-15 minutes. The shadow tip will move mostly from west to east in a curved line.
· Mark the new position of the shadow's tip with another small object or scratch. It will likely move only a short distance.
· Draw a straight line in the ground between the two marks. This is an approximate east-west line.
· The first mark you made will be west and the second mark you made will be east. Stand were the first mark is on your left and the second mark is on your right and you will be facing mostly towards true north. You can also use the moon at night to do the same thing.
The Anolog Watch Method
· Find an analog watch that is set accurately. Place it on a level surface, such as the ground, or hold it horizontal in your hand.
· Point the hour hand at the sun.
· Find the center point between the hour hand and the twelve o'clock mark. The center of the angle between the hour hand and twelve o'clock mark is the north-south line. If you don't know which way is north and which south, just remember that no matter where you are, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. This Method only works in the northern hemisphere.
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